Write a two column proof.

1.Reflexive property of Congruence. -Thanks

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Since this is not my area of expertise, I searched Google under the key words "Reflexive property of Congruence proof" to get these possible sources:


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Certainly! Here's a simple two-column proof using the Reflexive Property of Congruence:

Statement | Justification
--------------------- | -------------------------
1. △ABC ≅ △ABC | Reflexive Property of Congruence
2. AB ≅ AB, BC ≅ BC, AC ≅ AC | Definition of Congruent Triangles
3. △ABC ≅ △ABC | SSS (Side-Side-Side) Congruence
4. △ABC ≅ △ABC | CPCTC (Corresponding Parts of Congruent Triangles are Congruent)

In this proof, we are showing that triangle ABC is congruent to itself using the Reflexive Property of Congruence. The Reflexive Property of Congruence states that any segment or angle is congruent to itself. We start by stating that triangle ABC is congruent to triangle ABC using the Reflexive Property. Then, we use the definition of congruent triangles to state that corresponding sides of congruent triangles are congruent. Finally, we apply the SSS (Side-Side-Side) Congruence postulate to conclude that all three sides of triangle ABC are congruent to the corresponding sides of triangle ABC. This leads to the final statement that triangle ABC is congruent to triangle ABC using CPCTC (Corresponding Parts of Congruent Triangles are Congruent).