Thank you very much for your corrections. Here are some more sentences I'm not sure of.

1)Independence Day commemorates the signing of the Declaration of Independence by the Continental Congress on 4th of July, 1776.
2)What were the causes which led to the Declaration of Independence?
First of all, the colonies refused to pay taxes to England without being represented.
3) A social unrest developed in the colonies. George III tried to put down (repress, control) the rebellion by sendind extra troops to the colonies. 4) However, in 1774 the colonies managed to send their delegates to Philadelphia to form the First Continetal Congress.
5)The thirteen stripes represent the thirteen colonies the US originally consisted of (?).
6)They considered him as a sort of God because they hadn't seen any guns before.
7) He came to Africa with a highly moral view (better: purpose?) bit the wilderness changed him.
8) His main talent was talking (?) very well.(Or: His main talent was that of talking very well Or: He was a brilliant talker?)

1. on the 4th of July OR on July 4, 1776.

3. sendind = sending...

4. Continetal = Continental

5. Yes, although Winston Churchill said: "Never end a sentence a preposition with!" So you could say, the thirteen colonies of which the United States consisted.

7. bit = but

Any of the rest about which asked are fine.


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1) Independence Day commemorates the signing of the Declaration of Independence by the Continental Congress on the 4th of July, 1776.

To verify this information, you can refer to historical documents or reliable sources such as history books or reputable websites. These sources will provide you with accurate information about the date and significance of Independence Day.

2) What were the causes which led to the Declaration of Independence?

To find the causes that led to the Declaration of Independence, you can conduct research using various resources such as history books, articles, and scholarly journals. These sources will present different perspectives and explanations for the causes of the declaration. Reading and comparing multiple sources will help you gain a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

3) A social unrest developed in the colonies. George III tried to put down (repress, control) the rebellion by sending extra troops to the colonies.

To verify this statement, you can refer to historical records or reliable sources that discuss the social unrest and actions taken by George III. These sources might include books, articles, or primary documents from that time period. Checking multiple sources will ensure you have accurate and well-supported information.

4) However, in 1774, the colonies managed to send their delegates to Philadelphia to form the First Continental Congress.

To confirm this, you can refer to historical records or reliable sources that document the events leading up to the First Continental Congress. These sources often include primary documents, such as letters or diaries, as well as secondary sources like history books or articles. Cross-referencing multiple sources will help ensure the accuracy of the information.

5) The thirteen stripes represent the thirteen colonies the US originally consisted of.

To confirm this statement, you can reference sources that discuss the design and symbolism of the American flag. These sources might include historical documents, books, or reputable websites that provide information about the flag's history and significance. Checking multiple sources will help ensure you have accurate information about the symbolism of the thirteen stripes.

6) They considered him as a sort of God because they hadn't seen any guns before.

To understand the perception of someone as a deity due to unfamiliarity with guns, you can explore historical accounts or anthropological studies that discuss cultural beliefs and practices in the relevant time and place. These sources might include books, articles, or ethnographic research. By examining different sources, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of the cultural context.

7) He came to Africa with a highly moral view (better: purpose?), but the wilderness changed him.

To understand the transformation of someone's moral view or purpose after experiencing the African wilderness, you can refer to written accounts, biographies, or journals that document the individual's experiences and reflections. These sources might include personal writings, books, or articles that offer insights into the person's journey and its impact on their beliefs. Examining multiple sources will ensure you gain a broader understanding of the individual's transformation.

8) His main talent was talking very well. (Or: His main talent was that of talking very well. Or: He was a brilliant talker.)

To confirm the statement about someone's talent for speaking, you can refer to biographies, personal anecdotes, or testimonials that highlight their exceptional communication skills. These sources might include interviews, speeches, or written accounts of their eloquence. By consulting multiple sources, you can establish the accuracy and reputation of their talent for speaking.