Trapezoid JKLM has an area of 54 ftsqd. IF RC=6ft and ML=8ft, find JK

RC? Where exactly is that?

in the middle of the trapezoid

To find the length of side JK of the trapezoid JKLM, we can use the formula for the area of a trapezoid, which is:

Area = (1/2) × (sum of the parallel sides) × (height)

In this case, the parallel sides of the trapezoid are JK and ML, and the height is RC.

Given that the area of the trapezoid is 54 ft², RC is 6 ft, and ML is 8 ft, we can write the equation as:

54 = (1/2) × (JK + ML) × RC

To solve for JK, we need to rearrange the equation and substitute the given values:

54 = (1/2) × (JK + 8) × 6

Now, let's simplify the equation:

54 = 3 × (JK + 8)

Divide both sides of the equation by 3:

18 = JK + 8

Subtract 8 from both sides:

10 = JK

Therefore, JK measures 10 ft.