I still don't get what is the difference between classic ethnography vs. contemporary ethnography

Classic ethnography and contemporary ethnography are two approaches to studying cultures and societies, but they differ in scope, methodology, and focus.

Classic Ethnography:
1. Scope: Classic ethnography refers to the fieldwork conducted by anthropologists during the early 20th century. It aimed to understand and document the cultures of traditional, often non-Western societies. It focused on remote and isolated communities that were untouched by modernization and globalization.
2. Methodology: Classic ethnography typically involved long-term, immersive fieldwork, where anthropologists would live among the people they studied. They would observe and participate in daily activities, conduct interviews, collect data, and document cultural practices, beliefs, and rituals.
3. Focus: Classic ethnography primarily sought to provide a comprehensive and holistic understanding of a particular culture. It focused on capturing the essence of a society, its social organization, kinship systems, economic practices, religious beliefs, and rituals.

Contemporary Ethnography:
1. Scope: Contemporary ethnography encompasses the study of all types of societies, including both traditional and modern societies. It extends beyond isolated communities to examine urban, industrial, and globalized contexts.
2. Methodology: Contemporary ethnography employs a variety of research methods and techniques, including participant observation, interviews, surveys, focus groups, and the analysis of texts, documents, and media. It may also incorporate digital ethnography, which examines online communities and digital culture.
3. Focus: Contemporary ethnography explores a wide range of topics, such as migration, globalization, identity, power relations, gender, social inequalities, medical anthropology, and cultural hybridity. It explores how societies change, adapt, and negotiate various social, political, and economic forces.

To better understand the difference between classic ethnography and contemporary ethnography, it is helpful to read ethnographic studies from both eras. This will give you a more nuanced understanding of how the approaches have evolved over time and the different research questions they address.