As a rule of thumb, people should drink 1/2 ounce of water for each pound of body weight per day. How much water should a 145 pound person drink per day ?

i know the answer is 72 1/2 ounces, but what technique should i use ????


To determine how much water a 145-pound person should drink per day using the given rule of thumb (1/2 ounce per pound), you can follow these steps:

1. Multiply the body weight (145 pounds) by the recommended amount of water per pound (1/2 ounce).
145 pounds x 1/2 ounce = 72.5 ounces

2. The result is 72.5 ounces of water per day for a 145-pound person.

Therefore, a 145-pound person should drink approximately 72 1/2 ounces of water per day according to the given recommendation.

Remember, this is a general rule of thumb and individual water needs may vary based on factors such as activity level, climate, and overall health. It's important to listen to your body's signals and adjust your water intake accordingly.