Can you check these also thanks.

Directions: Récrivez les phrases au passé composé. Le passé composé: être ou avoir.

1. Marie monte au troisième étage.
Answer: Marie est monté au troisimème êtage.

2. Elle monte ses bagages.
Answer: Elle a monté ses bagages.

3. Elle sort la clé de sa poche.
Answer: Elle a sortie la clé de sa poche.

4. Elle descend.
Answer: Elle est descendue.

5. Elle ne descend pas ses bagages.
Answer: Elle n'a descendu pas ses bagages.

6. Elle sort.
Answer: Elle est sortie.

7. Elle rentre deux heures plus tard.
Answer: Elle est rentue deux heures plus tard.

1. Don't forget that when the passé composé uses être, the past participle will agree in number and gender with the subject. Marie is feminine singular = montée.

3. The passé composé conjugated with avoir (as this one is) only has the past participle agree in number and gender with a preceding object. Elle is the subject = no agreement = sorti.

5. The negative works around the auxiliary or helping verb = n'a pas

7. The verb is rentrer (regular -er verb) = est rentrée

Sra (aka Mme)

To check if the sentences have been rewritten correctly in the passé composé using either "être" or "avoir", one can apply the following steps:

1. Identify the auxiliary verb: In the passé composé, verbs can be paired with either "être" or "avoir" as their auxiliary verb.

2. Check if the verb is a reflexive verb: If the verb is reflexive, it will use "être" as its auxiliary verb.

3. Determine the agreement of the auxiliary verb: With "être" as the auxiliary verb, the past participle of the main verb must agree in gender and number with the subject. With "avoir" as the auxiliary verb, the past participle does not need to agree with the subject.

Now let's check the rewritten sentences:

1. Marie monte au troisième étage.
Answer: Marie est montée au troisième étage.
Explanation: The verb "monter" is followed by the auxiliary verb "être" because it is a movement verb. The past participle "montée" agrees with the subject "Marie" in gender (feminine) and number (singular).

2. Elle monte ses bagages.
Answer: Elle a monté ses bagages.
Explanation: The verb "monter" is followed by the auxiliary verb "avoir" because it is not a movement verb. The past participle "monté" does not need to agree with the subject "elle."

3. Elle sort la clé de sa poche.
Answer: Elle a sorti la clé de sa poche.
Explanation: The verb "sortir" is followed by the auxiliary verb "avoir" because it is not a movement verb. The past participle "sorti" does not need to agree with the subject "elle."

4. Elle descend.
Answer: Elle est descendue.
Explanation: The verb "descendre" is followed by the auxiliary verb "être" because it is a movement verb. The past participle "descendue" agrees with the subject "elle" in gender (feminine) and number (singular).

5. Elle ne descend pas ses bagages.
Answer: Elle n'a pas descendu ses bagages.
Explanation: The verb "descendre" is followed by the auxiliary verb "avoir" because it is not a movement verb. The past participle "descendu" does not need to agree with the subject "elle."

6. Elle sort.
Answer: Elle est sortie.
Explanation: The verb "sortir" is followed by the auxiliary verb "être" because it is a movement verb. The past participle "sortie" agrees with the subject "elle" in gender (feminine) and number (singular).

7. Elle rentre deux heures plus tard.
Answer: Elle est rentrée deux heures plus tard.
Explanation: The verb "rentrer" is followed by the auxiliary verb "être" because it is a movement verb. The past participle "rentrée" agrees with the subject "elle" in gender (feminine) and number (singular).