A manufacturer of a new product for whitening teeth would like to investigate the effects of package design and label information on consumer’s perceptions of the product and their intentions to buy it. Would you advise the manufacturer to use qualitative or quantitative research? Explain your choice by giving an example for research method.

This site will help you decide.


I went there but i feel like it would be both because with out one you would not be able to have the other

The qualitative research came first. Now you need quantitative research.

Quantitative researh would be best because it deals with numbers. But i am not quit sure what the question is asking:(

The gist of the question:

investigate the effects of package design and label information on consumer’s perceptions of the product and their intentions to buy it.

I would advise a company to go the quantitative route because they would have more accurate information and also could figure out a way to profit. You would want to make the package look bright and stand out but then i would think it would be qualalitive.

For investigating the effects of package design and label information on consumer perceptions and intentions to buy, I would recommend using both qualitative and quantitative research methods.

Qualitative research methods provide valuable insights into the thoughts, emotions, and reasons behind consumer behavior. They focus on gathering in-depth information and opinions through open-ended questions, observations, and interviews. For example, the manufacturer could conduct focus group discussions where participants are shown different package designs and labels, and their preferences, opinions, and perceptions are explored.

Quantitative research methods, on the other hand, focus on gathering numerical data and establishing statistical relationships between variables. They provide a broader view of consumer behavior and allow for generalizations across a larger population. For example, the manufacturer could use surveys or questionnaires with a large sample size to collect data on consumer preferences, purchase intentions, and demographic information.

By combining qualitative and quantitative research, the manufacturer can gain comprehensive insights. Qualitative research helps to understand the specific reasons behind consumer choices, while quantitative research provides statistical evidence and supports decision-making. The results from qualitative research can also be used to inform the development of quantitative research surveys, ensuring they reflect real consumer experiences and concerns.