What are the basic units-single atoms, molecules, or formula units-that compose each of the following substances?



so.. my choices are single,molecules or formula units.

i think a) is molecule and b) is formular units

can yyou check my answers?


i got the answer nvm. but thanks to however was going to help:)

They both look good to me.

Yes, I can check your answers for you.

a) N2:

N2 is made up of two nitrogen atoms bonded together. So the basic unit for N2 is a molecule.

b) MgCl2:

MgCl2 is composed of one magnesium atom bonded to two chlorine atoms. However, in this case, we refer to the basic repeating unit in the structure of the substance, which is called a formula unit. So the basic unit for MgCl2 is formula units.

Therefore, your answer for a) is correct (molecules) and your answer for b) is incorrect. The correct answer for b) is formula units, not molecules.

To determine the basic units that compose each substance, we need to consider their molecular or ionic formulas.

a) N2:

N2 represents a nitrogen gas molecule. It is made up of two nitrogen atoms bonded together. Therefore, the correct answer is "molecules."

b) MgCl2:

MgCl2 represents magnesium chloride. This compound consists of one magnesium ion (Mg2+) and two chloride ions (Cl-) held together by ionic bonds. In ionic compounds, we refer to the smallest repeating unit as a formula unit. Therefore, the correct answer for this substance is "formula units."

So, your answers are correct. N2 is composed of molecules, and MgCl2 is composed of formula units.