The boy on the tower (20 m) throws a ball a distance of 60 m. At what speed, in m/s, is the ball thrown?

im not sure what formula to use for this problem.. can someone help me please, thx

V = 30

To find the speed at which the ball is thrown, we need to use the formula for speed:

Speed = Distance / Time.

In this case, we have the distance the ball was thrown (60 m), but we don't have the time it took to travel that distance. However, we can calculate the time using the equation for vertical motion:

Distance = Initial Velocity * Time + (1/2) * Acceleration * Time^2.

Since the ball was thrown horizontally, there is no initial vertical velocity and no vertical acceleration. Therefore, the equation becomes:

Distance = 0 * Time + (1/2) * 0 * Time^2.
Distance = 0.

This means that the ball takes no time to reach the ground. Thus, we can conclude that the ball was thrown horizontally and there was no additional vertical motion involved.

Given the distance and assuming the ball was thrown horizontally, we can calculate the time it takes for the ball to travel the distance horizontally. Since the only motion in this case is horizontal, the vertical height (20 m) is irrelevant.

Using the equation Distance = Speed * Time, where the distance is 60 m, we can solve for the time:

60 m = Speed * Time.

Rearranging the equation, we get:

Speed = Distance / Time = 60 m / Time.

Therefore, to find the speed at which the ball was thrown, we need the time it took for the ball to cover the horizontal distance. However, without additional information about the time taken or the initial velocity, we cannot determine the exact speed at which the ball was thrown in m/s.