use words to describe the rule of the following sequence.Then find the next three ters of the sequence.2,3,and6 to illustratethe associative property of multiplication

The rule of the given sequence can be described as follows:

The sequence starts with the number 2. Each subsequent term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by a certain value.

Now let's find the next three terms to demonstrate the associative property of multiplication.

To find the next term, we need to know the value by which each term is multiplied. Unfortunately, the sequence alone does not provide enough information to determine this value. If we know the value, we can apply the associative property of multiplication.

However, let's assume that the value of multiplication is constant and equal to 3 for each term. In that case, we can calculate the next three terms:

4th term: 6 × 3 = 18
5th term: 18 × 3 = 54
6th term: 54 × 3 = 162

Therefore, based on the assumption of a constant value of 3 for multiplication, the next three terms of the sequence will be 18, 54, and 162.