What does "Le gusta aprender el espanol a ella?" Mean?

I think it means He likes to teach Spanish to her or He likes to teach her Spanish. You could always google a Spanish translator if you don't think thes are right


The phrase "Le gusta aprender el español a ella" in Spanish translates to "Does she like learning Spanish?" in English. The word "gusta" means "like," "aprender" means "to learn," "el español" means "the Spanish language," and "a ella" means "to her."

The phrase "Le gusta aprender el español a ella?" is a Spanish sentence that translates to "Does she like learning Spanish?" in English.

To understand the meaning of this sentence, it's important to break it down:

- "Le gusta" translates to "he/she likes." The word "gusta" is a conjugated form of the verb "gustar," which means "to like" in Spanish. The pronoun "le" indicates that the subject of the sentence is a third person, in this case, a female.

- "Aprender" means "to learn" in Spanish. It is an infinitive verb that expresses the action of learning.

- "El español" is the Spanish language.

- "A ella" means "to her." The preposition "a" is used to indicate the indirect object, and "ella" refers to the third-person singular feminine pronoun "she" in English.

Putting it all together, the sentence asks if she enjoys or has an interest in learning Spanish.