Members of __________ must have good long-term working relationships with one another, solid operating systems, and the external support needed to achieve effectiveness over a sustained period of time.

What are your choices?

Members of a team or an organization must have good long-term working relationships with one another, solid operating systems, and the external support needed to achieve effectiveness over a sustained period of time.

The answer to your question depends on the missing word or phrase, as it is not provided. However, I can help guide you on how to find the answer. To identify the group or organization that has members with good long-term working relationships, solid operating systems, and external support, you can follow these steps:

1. Determine the context: Understand the context in which the question is being asked. Consider any relevant information or keywords that might narrow down the possibilities.

2. Conduct research: Use search engines or reference materials to search for the keywords or concepts mentioned in the question. Look for groups, organizations, or entities that could match the given criteria.

3. Analyze potential answers: Evaluate the potential answers that you found during your research. Consider how well they align with the provided description and which one seems to fit the best.

4. Verify the answer: Once you have identified a potential answer, cross-reference it with additional sources or information to ensure its accuracy. Look for official websites, credible articles, or expert opinions that confirm your findings.

Without the missing word or phrase, I am unable to provide a specific answer. Please provide the missing information, and I will be happy to assist you further.