if a child and adult paid $23 for 2 tickets and an adult ticket is $6.50 more than the childs ticket, how do i get the answer?

Let x = the cost of the child's ticket.

x + x + 6.50 = 23
2x = 23 - 6.50
2x = 16.50
x = 16.50/2
x = ?

How do we do this? i got this as one of my math homework questions, i have no clue how to answer it. someone help me?

To solve this problem, you can use a system of equations.

Let's denote the price of a child's ticket as 'c' and the price of an adult's ticket as 'a'.

According to the given information, we know:
1) The total cost of two tickets, one for a child and one for an adult, is $23. So, we can write the equation: c + a = 23.

2) The price of an adult ticket is $6.50 more than the child's ticket. Therefore, we can write the equation: a = c + 6.50.

To solve the system of equations, we can substitute the second equation into the first equation.

Replacing 'a' in the first equation with 'c + 6.50', we get: c + (c + 6.50) = 23.

Now, we can simplify the equation by combining like terms:
2c + 6.50 = 23.

Next, we'll isolate 'c' by subtracting 6.50 from both sides of the equation:
2c = 23 - 6.50,
2c = 16.50.

To find the value of 'c', we divide both sides of the equation by 2:
c = 16.50 / 2,
c = 8.25.

Now that we have the price of a child's ticket, we can substitute this value back into one of the original equations to find the value of 'a'.

Using the equation a = c + 6.50, we can substitute 'c' with 8.25:
a = 8.25 + 6.50,
a = 14.75.

Therefore, the price of a child's ticket is $8.25, and the price of an adult's ticket is $14.75.