Which hero's story, King Arthur's or Sundiata's, has the more relevant message for young people today? Compose an essay that answers this question, giving at least two examples from the selections and applying them to issues young people face today.

Need help with the first part because I can't figure out how either of the stories carry a message for youth today...Please help.


Both of them were heroes. What made them heroic? Certainly you can find some of their qualities that today's people could wisely emulate.



Certainly! Let's start by analyzing both King Arthur's story and Sundiata's story to find their potential relevance for young people today.

King Arthur's story, known as the Arthurian legends, is a tale of chivalry, honor, and the pursuit of justice. It highlights the qualities of leadership, bravery, and the code of conduct that governs the knights of the Round Table. The story revolves around the idea of a rightful king who unifies his kingdom and establishes an era of peace and prosperity. Although this story may seem distant and disconnected from the experiences of young people today, it still carries certain messages that can resonate with them.

The idea of leadership and responsibility is an important theme in Arthurian legends. Today, young people face numerous challenges and are often called upon to take up leadership roles. They may find inspiration in King Arthur's journey from being an ordinary young man to becoming a legendary king. His determination, wisdom, and ability to bring people together are qualities that young people can strive to emulate. By studying Arthur's story, young people can learn about the importance of taking responsibility, making difficult decisions, and building strong relationships in their own lives.

Furthermore, the concept of the Round Table, where knights gather as equals, promotes equality, fairness, and inclusivity. In today's society, where issues of social justice are at the forefront, the Round Table can serve as a metaphor for the importance of diversity and collaboration. Young people can be encouraged to create their own "Round Tables" where individuals from various backgrounds come together, share ideas, and work towards common goals. This not only promotes inclusivity but also fosters an environment where all voices are heard and valued.

On the other hand, Sundiata's story, an epic from the Mali Empire, focuses on the journey of Sundiata Keita, who later becomes the founder of the empire. This story carries messages that are particularly relevant for young people today.

One of the prominent themes in Sundiata's story is the power of resilience and overcoming adversity. Sundiata faces many challenges throughout his journey - from disability and exile to battles against adversaries. His determination and ability to rise above difficult circumstances can inspire young people facing obstacles in their own lives. Sundiata's story promotes the idea that setbacks can be viewed as opportunities for personal growth and transformation. It encourages young people to develop their inner strength, persevere in the face of adversity, and never give up on their dreams.

Additionally, Sundiata's story emphasizes the significance of cultural heritage and identity. In today's globalized world, young people often face challenges in balancing their own cultural identity with the pressures of assimilation and conformity. Sundiata's story serves as a reminder that embracing and celebrating one's culture is essential for personal growth and self-acceptance. By understanding and connecting with their cultural roots, young people can develop a sense of belonging and pride, contributing to their overall well-being and resilience.

In conclusion, while both King Arthur's story and Sundiata's story may initially seem unrelated to the experiences of young people today, they carry messages that can be relevant and inspiring. King Arthur's story emphasizes leadership, responsibility, and inclusivity, providing valuable lessons for young people navigating their own paths. Sundiata's story, on the other hand, focuses on resilience, cultural identity, and the power of embracing one's heritage, offering insights and inspiration to young people facing challenges in today's world. By studying these stories, young people can gain valuable insights and apply the lessons learned to address the issues they face in their own lives.