What is a global citizen? I have to write a report on this. It must have examples, compare and contrast etc.

What is a global citizen? I remember a very early Sunday School lesson, where Jesus indicated to the disciples the TWO commandments in response to a question: The two commandments were 1) love your God, and 2) love your neighbor. Then someone asked him what did he mean by neighbor? The response was that you had to commit time, care, and resources to those whom you did not even know. So global citizens are people who take care of the entire world, as if it were cherished.

Here is a nice little speech by Senator Byrd on Good Neighbors, which fits in very well with the concept of global citizen:


Let's first look at definitions of citizen:
"a native or naturalized member of a state or nation who owes allegiance to its government and is entitled to its protection"


A global citizen, then, is a person who owes allegiance to the world and is entitled to the protection of the world. Although we don't have a unified world government, we can stretch that part to mean allegiance to the other people and lands. We should abide by international conventions, like the Geneva Convention treatment of prisoners of war. We should take part in agreements, like the Kyoto Treaty, designed to help protect the world's environment. We should weigh the consequences to the world when we consider going to war against another nation.

On an individual note, we should educate ourselves about what is going on in the world, the customs and history of other peoples, and dangers to these countries and their environments. Since we can't choose world leaders, we can vote for U.S. leaders who will best reflect our views as responsible global citizens.

A global citizen is someone who recognizes their responsibilities and obligations to the world as a whole, rather than just their own country or community. They have a sense of interconnectedness and understand that their actions can have an impact on people and the environment worldwide.

To write a report on global citizenship, you can start by defining what it means to be a global citizen, as we have just discussed. Then, you can provide examples of individuals or organizations that embody global citizenship. These examples could include humanitarian workers who provide aid and support in different countries, activists who fight for human rights and justice globally, or businesses that prioritize sustainability and fair trade.

You can also compare and contrast the mindset and actions of global citizens with those who are more focused on national or local interests. Highlight the differences in how these different groups approach global challenges and emphasize the benefits of being a global citizen, such as fostering understanding and cooperation among diverse cultures and working towards a sustainable and peaceful world.

In your report, you can include real-life cases or stories that demonstrate the principles of global citizenship. For instance, you could discuss the efforts of individuals who have dedicated their lives to environmental conservation or the work of organizations that promote education and healthcare access in underserved communities around the world.

Additionally, you can explore the concept of global citizenship in relation to international agreements, conventions, and treaties. Discuss how global citizens contribute to and support these initiatives, such as the Paris Agreement on climate change or the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Explain how being a global citizen involves actively engaging with and advocating for these global frameworks.

Remember to provide a balanced perspective in your report by acknowledging any critiques or challenges to the idea of global citizenship. Discuss potential barriers, such as nationalistic or self-centered mindsets that can hinder global cooperation.

In conclusion, a global citizen is someone who recognizes their responsibility to the world, acts with empathy and compassion towards others, and actively works towards making the world a better place for all. By providing examples, comparing and contrasting different perspectives, and incorporating real-life stories, you can create a comprehensive and engaging report on global citizenship.