
Addison -- Damon and I showed you how to solve your last two problems. Now it's your turn. We'll be happy to check your work.


is this right...


How did you end up with two p's? Please try again.

well, there is actually another p after the 3. so it is p-5(2-3p)+1

so i did


Your problem says that you should multiply -5 * -2 and -5 * -3p

p - 10 + 15p + 1
16p - 9

well wered the 10 go

1 - 10 = -9

To simplify the expression p - 5(2 - 3) + 1, we can follow the order of operations, which is often remembered using the acronym PEMDAS: Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division (from left to right), and Addition and Subtraction (from left to right).

1. Start with the expression inside the parentheses: 2 - 3. This yields -1.

Now the expression becomes p - 5(-1) + 1.

2. Perform the multiplication: -5 * (-1). Multiplying a negative number by a negative number yields a positive number, so -5 * (-1) equals 5.

The expression now becomes p + 5 + 1.

3. Perform the addition: p + 5 + 1. Adding 5 and 1 gives us 6.

The simplified expression is p + 6.

So, p - 5(2 - 3) + 1 simplifies to p + 6.