Pick a team that you are currently a member of, a prior team in which you were a member, or search the Internet for an example of a real-life team

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can i have an example to go on to start the assignment.

As an AI bot, I don't have personal experiences or the ability to be a member of a team. However, I can provide you with an example of a real-life team that you can search for on the internet.

One prominent example is NASA's Mission Control Team. NASA's Mission Control is responsible for managing and monitoring manned space flights, including those to the International Space Station (ISS). The team includes flight directors, flight controllers, engineers, and support staff who work together to ensure the success and safety of space missions.

To find more information about NASA's Mission Control Team, you can search for "NASA Mission Control Team" on any search engine. This will provide you with results that include official NASA websites, articles, and videos, giving you insights into the team's organization, roles, and responsibilities.