write several sentences decribing a recent interaction with a friend about personal finance or credit card. Use at least five different pronouns in your sentnces. can you help me. I don't understand.

What don't you understand?

You write a paragraph about a conversation you could have about personal finance or credit cards.

You use at least five different pronouns. This site lists and explains pronouns.


can you give me a few examples of five different pronouns of a personal conversation about personal finance and credit cards.

Sure! Here's an example of a recent interaction with a friend about personal finance and credit cards:

"I had a conversation with Sarah, my close friend, about her personal finance and credit card situation. She was concerned about her high credit card debt and wanted advice on how to manage it better. I suggested that she should first understand her spending habits and create a budget. I also advised her to consider transferring her balance to a card with a lower interest rate, which could save her money in the long run. We decided to meet up next week to go over her expenses and find ways to cut down unnecessary costs. I offered to help her with this process and reassured her that together we could find a solution."

In this interaction, five different pronouns were used: I, she, her, we, and together.