I don't know how to explain this but for the arc length of a circle A and B like the outer length A and B is it equal to the angle O ?

and also how is " " half the amount of the angle O?

for O I mean the central angle

so is the arc length equal to the central angle

I remember now

For a circle of radius r, the arc length of central angle θ is given by rθ.

For a circle of unit radius (i.e. radius=1), r=1, therefore the arc length equals the central angle.

I hope this confirms what you were enquiring.

To clarify, are you asking if the arc length between two points A and B on the circumference of a circle is equal to the measure of the angle formed at the center of the circle which subtends that arc? Additionally, are you asking how to determine the measure of an angle that is half the size of another given angle?