how do you write 2320640 in two significant figures?

To write the number 2320640 in two significant figures, we need to round it using the rules of significant figures.

1. Identify the first two significant figures in the number. The significant figures are the non-zero digits.

In this case, the first two significant figures are "2" and "3."

2. Determine the rounding digit (the next digit after the significant figures).

In this case, the rounding digit is "2" (the first digit after the significant figures).

3. If the rounding digit is 5 or greater, round up the last significant figure. If it is less than 5, leave the last significant figure unchanged.

In this case, the rounding digit "2" is less than 5, so we leave the last significant figure unchanged.

4. Remove all the digits after the second significant figure.

After rounding, 2320640 becomes 2300000.

Therefore, 2320640, rounded to two significant figures, is 2300000.