two men went fishing in the gulf of mexico and caught 25 fish what is the nouns

Nouns name persons, places, things and ideas:

Gulf of Mexico


gulf of mexico

To identify the nouns in the sentence "Two men went fishing in the Gulf of Mexico and caught 25 fish," we need to identify the words that refer to people, places, things, or ideas. Nouns include common nouns, such as "men," "fishing," "Gulf," and "Mexico," as well as proper nouns, such as "Two," "Gulf of Mexico," and "fish."

Here is a breakdown of the nouns in the sentence:
- "Two" (proper noun, referring to the number)
- "men" (common noun, referring to people)
- "fishing" (common noun, referring to an activity)
- "Gulf" (common noun, referring to a body of water)
- "Mexico" (proper noun, referring to a country)
- "fish" (common noun, referring to animals)

In total, there are six nouns in the given sentence.