Through which mechanism does insulin affect food intake?

a. it enables the intestines to digest certain types of protein that they would not otherwise be able to digest

b. it increases the percentage of each meal that is stored as fats

c. it increases the sensitivity of the taste buds to sugars

d. it increases the preference for salty foods

I chose answer B. because after u eat a meal, it is stored to fat, but i wasn't sure if this was correct. Do you know the right answer?

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The correct answer is actually option C. Insulin increases the sensitivity of taste buds to sugars, thus affecting food intake.

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that plays a key role in regulating blood sugar levels. One of its functions is to control the utilization and storage of glucose (sugar) in the body. Insulin helps transport glucose from the blood into cells, where it can be used for energy or stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles.

When insulin levels are elevated, such as after a meal rich in carbohydrates, it can enhance the taste perception of sugars. This means that you might find sugary foods more appealing or enjoyable when insulin levels are higher. As a result, an increase in insulin can impact food intake by influencing the preference for sugary foods.

As for your initial reasoning, option B, which suggests that insulin increases the percentage of each meal stored as fats, is not accurate. While insulin plays a role in fat metabolism, its primary function is to regulate glucose, not directly store fat. The storage of fat is influenced by various factors, including calorie intake, hormonal balance, and activity levels.

Remember, understanding the mechanisms behind physiological processes like insulin's impact on food intake can help you make informed choices about your diet and overall health.