Which of the following is likely to contribute to a person being obese?

a. decreased portions of food
b. expending more energy than normal-weight people
c. damage to the set point
d. damage to the arcuate nucleus in the hypothalamus?

i know that if you damage the hypothalamus you can undereat or overeat, but i am confused with answer C. also... I chose D. is this right? What do you think?

well I know for sure it isn't A or B ..I think it is D

a and b have the opposite effect. The "set point" theory of obesity is controversial, and besides, the "point" is not something that gets damaged. This would lead me to believe that D is the desired answer, but do a search on "arcuate njucleus" to make sure.

Thanks so much! :)

To determine which of the options is likely to contribute to a person being obese, let's break down each option:

a. Decreased portions of food: Decreasing portions of food is generally associated with weight loss rather than obesity. So this option is less likely.

b. Expending more energy than normal-weight people: Expending more energy can contribute to weight loss rather than obesity. So this option is also less likely.

c. Damage to the set point: The set point theory suggests that our bodies have a genetically predetermined weight range that they strive to maintain. Damage to the set point might disrupt this balance and lead to weight gain or obesity. So this option is a potential contributor to obesity.

d. Damage to the arcuate nucleus in the hypothalamus: The hypothalamus plays a crucial role in regulating metabolism, appetite, and body weight control. Damage to the arcuate nucleus within the hypothalamus can disrupt the signaling related to hunger and satiety, leading to overeating and potential weight gain. So this option is also a potential contributor to obesity.

Considering the above explanations, both options c and d could potentially contribute to a person being obese. Therefore, your selection of option D (damage to the arcuate nucleus in the hypothalamus) as a likely contributor to obesity is indeed correct.

However, it's important to note that this is a multiple-choice question, and the correct answer might depend on the specific context or information provided within the question.