The gas constant (R) has many different unit formulations. Convert the value of 8.314 (m3-Pa)/(K-mol) into units of (L-torr)/(K-mol).

To convert the gas constant value of 8.314 (m3-Pa)/(K-mol) into units of (L-torr)/(K-mol), we need to use the following conversion factors:

1 m3 = 1000 L (since 1 m3 is equivalent to 1000 liters)
1 Pa = 0.00750062 torr (since 1 Pascal is equivalent to 0.00750062 torr)

So, let's start the conversion:

1. Convert m3 to L:
Multiply the value of 8.314 by 1000 L/m3:
8.314 (m3-Pa)/(K-mol) * 1000 L/m3 = 8314 L-Pa/(K-mol)

2. Convert Pa to torr:
Multiply the value of 8314 by 0.00750062 torr/Pa:
8314 L-Pa/(K-mol) * 0.00750062 torr/Pa = 62.3637 L-torr/(K-mol)

Therefore, the value of 8.314 (m3-Pa)/(K-mol) is equivalent to 62.3637 L-torr/(K-mol).