Complete this conversation between two friends, Ana Margarita and Fernando. They are planning to go to a party with a group of students from the United States. Use ir, voy, vas, va, vamos, and van.

1.Ana Margarita: ¡Hola, Fernando! ¿Adónde * ahora?

2. Fernando: (Yo) * al cine. ¿Quieres (Do you want) conmigo?

3.Quieres (Do you want) * conmigo?

4.No puedo (I can’t). Mi hermana y yo * al parque.

5. ¿Qué * a hacer este fin de semana, Ana Margarita?

6.¡(Yo) * a una fiesta! ¿Quieres ?

7.¿Quieres * ?

8.Bueno, gracias. ¿Quiénes * con nosotros?

9.También un grupo de estudiantes de los Estados Unidos * a ir.

10.La fiesta * a ser en otra ciudad.

can someone help me get started with a couple of these

Oh , no you don't! Not again! We HELP but we do not DO the work for you! Here is the verb "ir" ("to go") in its entirety. Now, you supply the verbs and I'll be happy to check them for you.

Decide first of all if you are using the formal usted or familiar (first-name basis) tú:

ir = to go
yo voy = I go, I do go, I am going
tú vas = you (singular/familiar) go, do go, are going
él/ella/usted va = he/she/you (singular/formal) goes/go, does, do go, is going/are going

nosotros/nosotras vamos = we go, do go, are going (note 3 English possibilities for the English translation )
vosotros/vosotras vais = you (plural, familiar) go, do go, are going
ellos/ellas/ustedes van = they/you-all (formal plural) go, do go, are going


1. Ana Margarita: ¡Hola, Fernando! ¿Adónde vas ahora?

To answer this question, you need to use the verb "ir" in the second person singular form. So, the correct form to use would be "vas".

2. Fernando: (Yo) voy al cine. ¿Quieres ir conmigo?
To answer this question, you need to use the verb "ir" in the first person singular form. So, the correct form to use would be "voy". Additionally, to ask if Ana Margarita wants to go with him, you need to use the verb "querer" in the second person singular form, which is "quieres".

3. Quieres ir conmigo?
To answer this question, you need to use the verb "querer" in the second person singular form, which is "quieres".

4. No puedo. Mi hermana y yo vamos al parque.
To answer this question, you need to use the verb "ir" in the first person plural form. So, the correct form to use would be "vamos".

5. ¿Qué vas a hacer este fin de semana, Ana Margarita?
To ask Ana Margarita what she is going to do this weekend, you need to use the verb "ir" in the second person singular form, which is "vas".

I hope this helps! Let me know if you need help with the rest of the conversation.