what'S THE PERCENT OF 136,800,000???

This question makes no sense.

How to add 25 percent to 62 percent

To find the percentage of a number, you'll need to divide that number by the total value and multiply by 100. In this case, to find the percentage of 136,800,000, you will divide it by the total value.

Let's assume the total value is 200,000,000 (you can replace this with any desired total value).

Therefore, you need to divide 136,800,000 by 200,000,000:

136,800,000 / 200,000,000 = 0.684

To convert this decimal to a percentage, you multiply it by 100:

0.684 * 100 = 68.4%

So, 136,800,000 is approximately 68.4% of 200,000,000.