the final exam in a course will count as 30% of the total. prior to the final exam, 245 points are possible. how many points will the final exam be worth?

0.3 * 245 = ?

I read that differently

"prior to the final exam, 245 points are possible" appears to imply that 245 points is 70% of the total

so total = 245/.7 = 350

so the final is worth 350-245 or 105 points

(check: 105/350 = .3 = 30%)

On a recent math exam, Alex received a score of 92%. His z-score is positive 2. If the mean for the exam is 84, what is the standard deviation?

To determine how many points the final exam will be worth, we need to find 30% of the total possible points in the course. Here are the steps to calculate it:

1. Convert the percentage to a decimal: 30% is equivalent to 0.30 (divide the percentage by 100).
2. Multiply the decimal by the total possible points to get the value: 0.30 multiplied by 245 points.

Let's calculate it:

0.30 * 245 = 73.5

Therefore, the final exam will be worth 73.5 points.