Can you please check the following sentences, please? Thank you.

1) Shylock is worried about his daughter going away with Antonio but he’s more concerned about the money she has cost him.
2)Antonio suggests Shylock should pay a fine to the court and give half of his money to him. Furthermore, he should promise to leave half of his wealth to Lorenzo and his daughter Jessica when he dies.
3) They are given the news that Shylock has signed a document which will make them rich.
4)This timetable is definitive and will last till the end of the school year.
5)The man who chooses the wrong casket, cannot marry Portia or anyone else.
6) He lends him the money on condition that (as long as) he pays back his debt in three months’ time (also: within three months?).If not (or otherwise) he will be entitled to take a pound off (?) Antonio’s flesh.
7) The first thought of Shylocks (correction: Shylock’s first thought ) is the fear of losing his money?
Or Shylock is concerned about losing his money? Or He thinks about the money he has lost?

1. his daughter's going away with (another possibility)

Everything else OK.


1) The sentence is grammatically correct, but it could be improved by using a comma before "but" to separate the two clauses. It would look like this: "Shylock is worried about his daughter going away with Antonio, but he’s more concerned about the money she has cost him."

2) The sentence is grammatically correct, but it could benefit from some structural changes to make it clearer. Here's a revised version: "Antonio suggests that Shylock should pay a fine to the court and give half of his money to him. Furthermore, Antonio proposes that Shylock promise to leave half of his wealth to Lorenzo and his daughter Jessica when he dies."

3) The sentence is grammatically correct, but it lacks context. To make it clearer, you could add more information about who is giving them the news. For example: "They are given the news by the lawyer that Shylock has signed a document which will make them rich."

4) The sentence is grammatically correct and clear.

5) The sentence is grammatically correct, but it could be improved by adding a comma after "casket" to separate the clauses. It would look like this: "The man who chooses the wrong casket cannot marry Portia, or anyone else."

6) The sentence is grammatically correct, but it could be improved for clarity. Here's a revised version: "He lends him the money on the condition that he pays back his debt within three months. If he fails to do so, he will be entitled to take a pound of flesh from Antonio."

7) The sentence is grammatically correct, but it lacks clarity. It could be improved by rephrasing it to be more specific. Here are a few suggestions: "Is Shylock's first concern the fear of losing his money?", "Is Shylock primarily concerned about losing his money?", or "Is his first thought about the money he has lost?"