I am a number between 75 and 150

My tens digit is three times my ones digit
The sum of my digits is 5
My hundreds digit and my ones digit are the same

From the information you can generate three equations

Let the number be

My tens digit is three times my ones digit

thus b=3c

The sum of my digits is 5


My hundreds digit and my ones digit are the same


now solve for a, b and c

I think that's too hard for him considering he's in fourth grade...

Ok, so you have three digits
___ ___ ___
They must add up to 5..
Since you know the tens digit is three times the ones digit and all of your digits must be low to add up to 5, the tens digit must be a 3. go from there.


I am less than 10 I am a odd number if you turn me upside down I am an even number

What's the answer

i think its 131

This is hard for me but I also thing is 131 because I did every thing I had to do.
