on a particularly hot 30 degrees C day near the seashore the partial pressure of water vapor in the air is .0303atm. given that the atmospheric pressure is 1 atm and the composition of dry air is 78% N, 21% O and 1%Ar, what is the partial pressure of oxygen gas?

do YOU just dump your questions on here? my goodness...

To find the partial pressure of oxygen gas, we first need to calculate the total mole fraction of oxygen gas in the air.

Given that the composition of dry air is 78% nitrogen (N₂), 21% oxygen (O₂), and 1% argon (Ar), we can calculate the mole fraction of oxygen gas (Xᴼ) using the following formula:

Xᴼ = (Σnᵢ) / (ΣNᵢ)

Σnᵢ = number of moles of oxygen gas
ΣNᵢ = total number of moles of all gases present

Since the partial pressures of the gases are directly proportional to their mole fractions, we can find the partial pressure of oxygen gas (Pᴼ) using the formula:

Pᴼ = Xᴼ * Pᴛ

Pᴼ = partial pressure of oxygen gas
Xᴼ = mole fraction of oxygen gas
Pᴛ = total pressure of the gas mixture

Now, let's calculate the partial pressure of oxygen gas:

Step 1: Calculate the mole fraction of oxygen gas (Xᴼ):
Xᴼ = 0.21 (since air composition is 21% oxygen)

Step 2: Calculate the partial pressure of oxygen gas (Pᴼ):
Pᴼ = Xᴼ * Pᴛ
= 0.21 * 1 atm (since atmospheric pressure is 1 atm)

Therefore, the partial pressure of oxygen gas is 0.21 atm.