Hi I need help to figure out if these situations are possible or impossible thank you.

constant velocity, non-zero net force

constant speed, non-zero net force

velocity to the left, net force to the right

decreasing velocity, increasing magnitude of net force

if the net force is not zero, then there is a resultant acceleration, increasing velocity.

ok so that means numbers 1 and 2 would be impossible, and I got for 4 that it could be possible if the object is getting heavier to pull. But for 3 I'm not sure. Thanks

Certainly! Let's analyze each situation:

1. Constant velocity, non-zero net force:
If an object is experiencing a non-zero net force but moving with constant velocity, the situation is impossible. According to Newton's first law of motion, an object at rest or moving with constant velocity will remain in that state unless acted upon by an external force. Therefore, if there is a non-zero net force acting on the object, it will cause an acceleration and a change in velocity, breaking the condition of constant velocity.

2. Constant speed, non-zero net force:
In this situation, it is possible for an object to move at a constant speed even when a non-zero net force is acting on it. This can happen when the net force applied is balanced by another force (e.g., frictional force), which counteracts the effect of the net force. The object will continue to move at the same speed in the absence of any external forces that would change its state of motion.

3. Velocity to the left, net force to the right:
This situation is possible. If an object is moving to the left (negative velocity) and experiences a net force to the right (positive force), it will accelerate in the opposite direction to its velocity. The object will slow down and eventually change its direction, but it can still move to the left while being subjected to a net force to the right.

4. Decreasing velocity, increasing magnitude of net force:
This situation is also possible. When an object's velocity is decreasing (decelerating), it means the acceleration is in the opposite direction to the velocity. If the magnitude of the net force acting on the object increases, the acceleration also increases, causing the object to decelerate at a faster rate. As a result, the velocity of the object will continue to decrease while the magnitude of the net force acting on it increases.

Remember, when analyzing situations like these, it's crucial to consider Newton's laws of motion and how forces affect the motion of objects.