cortes had several advantages in defeating the Aztecs metal_______;________a kind of rifle. ________ that could easily pierce the cloth suits the Aztecs wore.______that frightened the Aztecs _________ or friends who will help in a fight

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To understand the advantages Cortes had in defeating the Aztecs, let's break down each advantage and its explanation:

1. Metal: Cortes had access to superior metal weaponry, such as swords, armor, and other metal tools. This gave his forces an advantage in terms of strength, durability, and effectiveness during combat.

To learn more about the types of metal weaponry used by Cortes and its advantages over the Aztecs, you can do some research on historical sources, books, or articles. Online databases and libraries often have resources that provide detailed information about the weaponry of that era.

2. A kind of rifle: Cortes also had an advantage in terms of firearms. While rifles, as we know them today, did not exist during that time, there were early versions of firearms known as arquebuses or muskets. These weapons gave Cortes an advantage in long-range combat and were capable of inflicting serious damage on the Aztec forces.

You can learn more about the specific type of firearm or weapon Cortes used by referring to historical documents, books, or online sources that specialize in the weaponry of that era.

3. Ability to easily pierce the cloth suits the Aztecs wore: The Aztec warriors primarily wore cloth armor during battles. Cortes had a technological advantage with the use of steel weapons that could easily penetrate the cloth armor of the Aztecs, giving his forces a significant edge in close combat.

To dig deeper into the specific tactics employed by Cortes to exploit the vulnerabilities of the Aztec armor, you can consult historical accounts, academic studies, or experts in Mesoamerican history.

4. Frightening the Aztecs: Cortes and his forces had the advantage of intimidating the Aztecs through psychological warfare. They utilized tactics such as loud explosions, gunshots from firearms, and the appearance of mounted cavalry on horses. These fear-inducing strategies created fright and confusion among the Aztec forces, weakening their morale and resolve.

To comprehend the specific psychological warfare tactics employed by Cortes, you can explore historical records, accounts from witnesses, or academic studies that delve into the strategies used by Cortes and his army.

5. Allies or friends who helped in the fight: One of the significant advantages Cortes had was the support he received from indigenous peoples who were either enemies or rivals of the Aztecs. Cortes formed alliances with various native groups who provided him with additional military forces, resources, and intelligence.

To understand the alliances formed by Cortes and the role they played in defeating the Aztecs, you can study historical records, primary sources, or scholarly works on the conquest of the Aztec Empire.

Remember, researching from reputable sources will provide you with a more comprehensive and accurate understanding of the advantages Cortes had in defeating the Aztecs.