caesium+water-->caesium hydroxide

caesium+oxygen-->caesium oxide
are these equation right?

The second one is ok.

The first one also produces H2 gas.
2Cs + 2H2O ==> 2CsOH + H2

Yes, the equations you provided are correct. When caesium reacts with water, it forms caesium hydroxide, as shown by the equation:

2Cs + 2H2O --> 2CsOH + H2

And when caesium reacts with oxygen, it forms caesium oxide, as shown by the equation:

4Cs + O2 --> 2Cs2O

Yes, both equations are correct. When caesium reacts with water, it forms caesium hydroxide:

2Cs + 2H2O → 2CsOH + H2

Similarly, when caesium reacts with oxygen, it forms caesium oxide:

4Cs + O2 → 2Cs2O

To determine whether these equations are correct, you can follow a few steps:

1. Identify the reactants and products: In these equations, the reactants are caesium (Cs), water (H2O), and oxygen (O2), while the products are caesium hydroxide (CsOH) and caesium oxide (Cs2O).

2. Determine the balanced equation: Make sure that the number of atoms of each element is the same on both sides of the equation. In the first equation, there are two Cs, four H, and two O atoms on both sides. In the second equation, there are four Cs and two O atoms on both sides.

3. Verify the reaction: These equations correspond to known chemical reactions where caesium reacts with water to form caesium hydroxide and reacts with oxygen to form caesium oxide. Experimental evidence supports these reactions.

By following these steps, you can confirm the correctness of these equations.