Sheila's age is two years more than twice Nicole's age. The sum of their ages is the same as Steven's age. If Steven's age is ten years less than five times Nicole's age, ,find the age of each.

Write a verbal model!

Sheila's age is two years more than twice Nicole's age. The sum of their ages is the same as Steven's age. If Steven's age is ten years less than five times Nicole's age, ,find the age of each.

Write a verbal model!

Sh = 2Ni + 2

St = 5Ni -10

Sh + Ni = St

(2Ni + 2) + Ni = 5Ni - 10

Solve for Ni.

Read the above data out loud to get the verbal model.

It could be any numbers



Then substitute to S and St to get their age

6 yr

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Sure! Let's create a verbal model to represent the given information:

Let's assume Nicole's age is "N" in years.
According to the given information, Sheila's age is two years more than twice Nicole's age, which can be represented as: Sheila's age = 2N + 2.

The sum of their ages (Nicole and Sheila) is the same as Steven's age. Steven's age is ten years less than five times Nicole's age, which can be represented as: Steven's age = (5N - 10).

To find the age of each person, we need to solve the system of equations formed by these statements:
1) Sheila's age = 2N + 2.
2) Nicole's age = N.
3) Steven's age = 5N - 10.

Solving this system of equations will give us the ages of Sheila, Nicole, and Steven.