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Americans remain an extremely mobile people, with most families moving several times in their lifetime. Write an essay in which you describe at least two similarities and two differences between American migration today and migration in the mid-1800s.


I've studied my family genealogy rather extensively.

The first generation of immigrants (from 1640 to about 1850) traveled from Europe to America. They stayed where they settled for several years or a generation or two. The next migrants moved to another state. Their children tended to stay in that area for two or three (or more) generations. These moves were all made to improve their lives and find inexpensive farmland for their families.

My family became more mobile in the 1930s -- with a few going from the Midwest to California. Others moved to nearby cities for jobs. By the 1950s, we were scattering farther for jobs. Today, my children live in three different states. Their children are starting to scatter to find better jobs and more affordable living.

Everyone migrated to find a better life. In the mid-1800s, most moved for good and affordable farmland. They traveled by oxcart, river boat, and stage coach. Today, people move where the best jobs are. They travel by car and by plane.

You'll need to do more research on this topic -- but I hope this gets you started.

Another facet to explore is the large numbers of immigrants who've come to the U.S. since 1850. I suggest you include your own family's migration history, and include the plans that you and your siblings have for migrating elsewhere.

To write an essay on the similarities and differences between American migration today and migration in the mid-1800s, you can follow these steps:

1. Research the topic: Start by gathering information about migration in the mid-1800s, as well as current migration trends in the United States. Look for reliable sources such as history books, scholarly articles, and reputable websites.

2. Identify similarities: Find two ways in which American migration today aligns with migration in the mid-1800s. Some possible similarities you can explore include:

a. Push-pull factors: Both periods may have involved similar push factors, such as economic challenges, political unrest, or religious persecution, that prompted people to leave certain regions. Similarly, pull factors, such as economic opportunities or the promise of a better life, could have attracted migrants to specific destinations in both eras.

b. Diversity: In both periods, migrants came from various backgrounds and contributed to the diverse fabric of American society. You can explore the similar patterns of immigrants from different European countries in the mid-1800s and the current influx of immigrants from around the world.

3. Identify differences: Then, find two aspects in which American migration today differs from migration in the mid-1800s. Some possible differences to consider are:

a. Method of transport: While mid-1800s migrants often traveled long distances by land, usually by wagon or on foot, today's migrants can take advantage of modern transportation systems, such as planes, trains, and automobiles. Emphasize how this difference in transportation methods has impacted the scale and speed of migration.

b. Reasons for migration: The reasons people migrate today can be different from those in the mid-1800s. Examples of modern migration motives include opportunities for employment, education, family reunification, or seeking refuge from conflict or natural disasters, whereas the mid-1800s migration was often motivated by factors like the California Gold Rush or the desire to own land.

4. Structure your essay: Organize your essay into logical paragraphs, with a clear introduction and conclusion. In the introductory paragraph, provide some general background information on American migration to set the context for your essay. Each body paragraph can focus on one similarity or difference and provide evidence or examples to support your points. End your essay with a concluding paragraph that summarizes your main points and demonstrates the significance of understanding migration trends in different time periods.

Remember to use reliable sources, cite your references appropriately, and revise your essay for clarity and coherence. Good luck with your essay!