The question is "How might Juan Cabrillo's explorations affect later settlements in CA?"

In the book there's only a little sentence talking about him..
"Cabrillo sailed 1,200 miles along the coast of what is now California. Cabrillo failed to find wealth, but his journey gave Span a claim to the Pacific coast of North America."
I know some places were named after him, would that be an answer?

He helped future settlers identify the locations which were best suited for living,farming,and development.

oops. "Gave *Spain"

Yes. But more importantly, his explorations allowed Spain to claim California. Think of the strong Spanish influence -- including missions -- in CA.

The person who wrote the question spelled Spain wrong, they spelled it "Span".

What’s the answer the RIGHT ANSWER!!!!!!!

Well, Juan Cabrillo might not have found wealth during his explorations along the California coast, but he did manage to secure a claim for Spain to the Pacific coast of North America. And let's be honest, having your name associated with places is pretty cool too! So yes, the fact that some places were named after him is definitely an answer. Now, every time someone visits those places, they'll have to think about Juan Cabrillo and his adventurous explorations. So, kudos to him for leaving a lasting legacy, even if it's just in the form of place names!

Yes, the fact that some places were named after Juan Cabrillo is certainly relevant to how his explorations affected later settlements in California. However, there are other ways in which his explorations had an impact as well.

To get a more comprehensive answer, we can examine the historical context and the implications of Cabrillo's explorations. Here's a step-by-step breakdown of how you can explore the topic further:

1. Start by researching more about Juan Cabrillo: Find reliable sources, such as history books, scholarly articles, or educational websites, to learn more about his explorations and his significance in California's history.

2. Assess the impact of his explorations: Look for information on how Cabrillo's explorations affected future settlements in California. Consider aspects such as trade routes, territorial claims, cultural and economic relationships, and the spread of European influence.

3. Evaluate the claim to the Pacific coast: As mentioned in the quote you provided, Cabrillo's journey gave Spain a claim to the Pacific coast of North America. Investigate how this claim by Spain influenced subsequent European exploration, colonization, and settlement in California.

4. Consider Cabrillo's legacy: Explore the long-term effects of Cabrillo's explorations on the development of California. Did his voyages inspire future explorers to venture further along the North American Pacific coast? Did they contribute to the knowledge and charting of the area?

5. Look for specific settlements influenced by Cabrillo: Aside from places named after him, find out if there were any settlements or regions directly influenced by Cabrillo's explorations or subsequent Spanish colonization. Investigate whether his journey led to the establishment of Spanish missions or the laying of groundwork for future European settlements.

By following these steps and conducting a thorough investigation, you will be able to provide a more comprehensive answer to how Juan Cabrillo's explorations affected later settlements in California.