Can you please tell me if the following sentences are correct?

1) What happened to Robinson on his second voyage to Africa?
2) How did he manage to set himself free?

Thank you.

Yes, they are correct.

Yes, your sentences are correct.

Yes, both sentences are grammatically correct.

To determine the correctness of a sentence, you can follow these steps:

1) Check the subject-verb agreement: Ensure that the subject and verb agree in number and tense. In the first sentence, "happened" (past tense verb) agrees with "Robinson" (third-person singular subject). In the second sentence, "did manage" (past tense verb) agrees with the implied subject "he."

2) Ensure correct word order: The sentences should follow a subject-verb-object (SVO) or subject-verb-complement (SVC) structure. Both sentences adhere to this structure. In the first sentence, "Robinson" is the subject, and "what happened" is the verb-object phrase. In the second sentence, the implied subject "he" is followed by "did manage" (verb) and "to set himself free" (complement).

3) Check for any spelling or punctuation errors: Verify that all words are spelled correctly and that appropriate punctuation is used. Both sentences appear to be correctly punctuated and contain no apparent spelling errors.

By following these steps, you can assess the correctness of a sentence and ensure that it effectively communicates the intended meaning.