How many minutes before 12 noon is it, if one hour ago it was three times as many minutes after 8 am?

Thank you


To solve this problem, let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Figure out the time one hour ago.
If it is currently X:Y, then one hour ago it was X-1:Y.

Step 2: Calculate the number of minutes after 8 am one hour ago.
To do this, we need to calculate the number of minutes between 8 am and the current time. Since there are 60 minutes in an hour, if it is currently X:Y, the number of minutes after 8 am is (X-8)*60 + Y.

Step 3: Determine the number of minutes before 12 noon.
To find this, we subtract the number of minutes after 8 am from the total number of minutes between 8 am and 12 noon, which is 4*60 = 240 minutes.

Let's calculate:

Assuming it is currently X:Y:

Step 1: One hour ago: X-1:Y
Step 2: Minutes after 8 am: (X-8)*60 + Y
Step 3: Minutes before 12 noon: 240 - [(X-8)*60 + Y]

Now, you can substitute the given values to find the answer. For example, if it is currently 10:30 am:
Step 1: One hour ago: 9:30 am
Step 2: Minutes after 8 am: (10-8)*60 + 30 = 150 minutes
Step 3: Minutes before 12 noon: 240 - 150 = 90 minutes

Therefore, if it is 10:30 am, there are 90 minutes before 12 noon.