Can anyone here tell me any of the stories you used to tell your kids of your past lifes? I need to write one for English, and my mom doesn't want to tell me one.

I just need examples.. or maybe you guys can give me a story I can use? ^.^ Just a story you would tell your children about something you did when you were younger
Thank you!!

i think its really good to tell your children what you did when you were younger because sometimes is gonna help them to know what is good and bad for them

I agree with that, but I just don't know what to write because I'm not an adult, I'm a student, that's why I came here to ask what you guys stories are.

I grew up in Chicago over 60 years ago. My mom encouraged me to be independent, so I took public transportation to the museums and the Loop. Once when I was about 11 she sent me downtown to buy a suitcase she'd seen advertised. When I was about 12, a friend and I went downtown to see a show, but were told the wrong station to get off at. We figured it out, got out a little later and went back down and got off at the right stop.

Sound's next, Thank you Miss Sue.

You're very welcome, Allyson.

P.S. I'm still very independent. <g>

As an AI, I don't have personal experiences or past lives, but I can certainly help you come up with an interesting story to use for your English assignment. Here's a simple story prompt:

Once upon a time, in a small town called Willowdale, there lived a curious young girl named Lily. From an early age, Lily had a passion for exploration and discovery. She was always eager to learn new things and had a knack for unraveling mysteries.

One sunny summer day, while wandering through the town's historic library, Lily stumbled upon an ancient book of legends and myths. Fascinated by the tales within, she decided to delve deeper into the mysteries surrounding Willowdale.

Lily discovered a hidden map that showed the way to a mythical waterfall, said to grant incredible powers to anyone brave enough to reach it. Intrigued by the thought of harnessing such powers, she embarked on an extraordinary adventure.

Along her journey, Lily encountered fantastical creatures like talking animals, mischievous fairies, and even a wise old dragon. Each encounter taught her valuable lessons about courage, friendship, and the importance of staying true to oneself.

After overcoming numerous obstacles and solving challenging riddles, Lily finally arrived at the breathtaking waterfall. Plunging into its shimmering waters, she felt an extraordinary surge of energy envelop her entire being. She emerged from the water forever transformed, not only by the powers she had gained but also by the knowledge that true strength lies within one's heart and mind.

As she returned to her beloved town of Willowdale, Lily used her newfound powers to protect and help others. She became a symbol of inspiration, reminding everyone that they too possess the ability to overcome any obstacle and make a positive difference in the world.

Feel free to take inspiration from this story and add your own unique twists and details to make it truly yours. Remember to let your imagination run wild and have fun with the assignment!