Which of the following sentences is

grammatically correct?

1. Since we can get another one, it didn't matter anyways that we can't find it.
2. She felt badly that she arrived so late.
3. Of all the students in the class,he
asked permission most politely.
4. He sure was real smart to figure that out.

Which of the following sentences is
grammatically correct?

1. Since we can get another one, it didn't matter anyways that we can't find it.
problem with consistency of verb tenses -- present and past tenses are mixed up

2. She felt badly that she arrived so late.
"badly" is an adverb -- did she have trouble feeling?

3. Of all the students in the class, he asked permission most politely.
looks good

4. He sure was real smart to figure that out.
"real" is an adjective -- you need an adverb to modify the succeeding adjective, "smart"


1. Since we can get another one, it didn't matter anyways that we can't find it.
problem with consistency of verb tenses -- present and past tenses are mixed up

Anyways is not a standard English word. I think your verb tenses are correct.

Grammatically correct sentences are:

3. Of all the students in the class, he asked permission most politely.
This sentence is grammatically correct. It follows standard English grammar rules.

To determine which sentence is grammatically correct, we need to evaluate each sentence for errors and inconsistencies.

1. Since we can get another one, it didn't matter anyways that we can't find it.
This sentence has a problem with consistency of verb tenses - present and past tenses are mixed up. Additionally, "anyways" is not a standard English word. In this case, the correct word to use would be "anyway".

2. She felt badly that she arrived so late.
In this sentence, "badly" is an adverb, which would imply that she had trouble feeling. However, in this context, the intended meaning is that she felt remorse or guilt. In this case, the correct word to use would be "bad".

4. He sure was real smart to figure that out.
In this sentence, "real" is an adjective. To modify the adjective "smart", we need to use an adverb. In this case, the correct word to use would be "really".

Therefore, the grammatically correct sentence is:
3. Of all the students in the class, he asked permission most politely.