How has Islam shaped conceptions of music for the peoples of the Middle East?

I would rather a specific answer instead of saying using wikipedia. Thank you

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I doubt you'll get a specific answer.

To understand how Islam has shaped conceptions of music for the peoples of the Middle East, we can look at the core principles of Islam and its influence on cultural and religious practices.

1. The Influence of the Quran: The Quran, the holy book of Islam, does not explicitly prohibit music. However, interpretations of certain verses have led to different views on the permissibility and appropriateness of music in Islamic culture. This has led to a diversity of attitudes towards music among different Islamic communities.

2. Historical Context: During the early centuries of Islam, various schools of thought developed regarding music. Some scholars believed that only specific types of music were permissible, while others considered all music to be forbidden. This led to a diverse range of attitudes towards music across different regions and periods.

3. The Influence of Sufism: Sufism, a mystical tradition within Islam, played an important role in shaping the Islamic musical tradition. Sufi poets and musicians used music as a means of spiritual expression and devotion, often incorporating repetitive melodies and lyrics inspired by religious texts. This led to the emergence of devotional music genres, such as Qawwali in South Asia and Sufi music in the Middle East.

4. Regional and Cultural Variations: Throughout the Middle East, there are diverse musical traditions that have developed in accordance with Islamic principles and local customs. For example, the maqam system, a system of melodic modes, has been used in the Arab, Turkish, and Persian musical traditions, incorporating Islamic principles of contemplation and spirituality.

5. Modern Influences: In the modern era, the spread of globalized media, technological advancements, and cultural exchange have influenced the musical landscape of the Middle East. This has resulted in the fusion of traditional Islamic musical forms with contemporary genres, creating new musical expressions.

In summary, the impact of Islam on conceptions of music in the Middle East is complex and varied. While the religion has influenced certain attitudes towards music, the region's rich cultural history, diverse interpretations of Islamic principles, and the influence of Sufism have contributed to a diverse musical landscape that continues to evolve.