complete and simple subjects for " Many stories about valentine's Day exist."

I answered the first two for you. Now it's your turn.

What do you think the simple and complete subjects are?

I'll be glad to check your answers.

I think the complete subject is stories and the simple subject is valentine's day


Since Valentine's Day is in a prepositional phrase (about Valentine's Day), it can't be the subject.

The simple subject is "stories." The complete subject is "stories" plus the word that modifies or describes "stories."

Our class is the complete subject and class would be the simple subject


To identify the complete subject in the sentence "Many stories about Valentine's Day exist," let's break it down:

The subject of a sentence is typically the noun or pronoun that performs the action or is being described. In this case, the subject of the sentence is "many stories about Valentine's Day."

To determine the complete subject, we need to find the noun or pronoun that functions as the main subject of the sentence. In this sentence, the main subject is "stories." However, "stories" alone does not fully describe the subject.

The complete subject includes the modifier "many" and the prepositional phrase "about Valentine's Day." So, the complete subject for this sentence is "many stories about Valentine's Day."

To identify the simple subject, which is the main noun or pronoun without any modifiers or phrases, we can remove the modifier "many" and the prepositional phrase "about Valentine's Day". Therefore, the simple subject in this sentence is "stories."