I don't understand this. Can anyone help me out? Thanks! Les pronoms employes avec les verbes de communication. Remplace le nom de la personne (ou le pronom) par le pronum correct.

1) Vous demandez a votre mere de vous attendre. Vous ______ demandez de vous attendre.
2) Nous ecrivons au directeur pour le remericier. Nous ______ ecrivons.

1) Vous la demandez....

2) Nous lui écrivons.

This has to do with Object Pronouns. Do you see "à votre mère" and "au directeur?" These will take the indirect object pronoun "lui."

1. Vous lui demandez
2. Nous lui écrivons

Simply stated: verbs of communication require the indirect object pronoun.

Sra (aka Mme)

OOOPOOOOPS - sorry. Merci Mme for the explanation and correction.

Of course! I can help you understand the exercise you have. It seems like you need to replace the noun or pronoun with the correct pronoun when using verbs of communication. Let's break down each sentence:

1) Vous demandez a votre mere de vous attendre. Vous ______ demandez de vous attendre.

To find the correct pronoun to replace "vous" in the second part of the sentence, we need to determine who is being asked to wait. In this case, it's the person who is speaking, so "vous" should be replaced with "me."

Correct answer: Vous me demandez de m'attendre.

2) Nous ecrivons au directeur pour le remercier. Nous ______ ecrivons.

To find the correct pronoun to replace "nous" in the second part of the sentence, we need to determine who is being thanked. In this case, it's the director, who is not included in the subject "nous." Therefore, "nous" should be replaced with "le/la" to match the gender of the noun "directeur."

Correct answer: Nous lui ecrivons.

To summarize, in the first sentence, "vous" is replaced by "me" because the person asking is also the subject of the second verb. In the second sentence, "nous" is replaced by "le/la" because the subject of the second verb (the director) is not included in "nous."