-1 divided by -7/2? I tried this on my calculator and got a demical, my teacher want's it in fraction form though.

-1 ÷ (-7/2)

= -1 x (-2/7)
= 2/7

-1 / (-7/2) = -1 * -(2/7) = 2/7

Dividing by a fraction is that same as multiplying by the inverse of that fraction.

(-1)/(-7/2) = (-1)(-2/7) = 2/7

Inverse means the recpitile right? so like if it was 15, it'd be 15/1 x (-3/4ths) which -3/4ths is actually 4/3s? so 15/1x4/3

Inverse means the reciprocal.

You only use the reciprocal when you divide.

15 / (3/4) = 15/1 * (4/3)

Ah, okay. Thank you.

You're welcome.