when 3 times a certain number is subtracted from 25,the difference is 28.what is the number?

25 - 3n = 28

Solve for n

25 - 3x = 28

Solve for x.

To solve this problem, let's break it down step by step:

Let's assume the certain number is represented by "x".

First, we know that "3 times a certain number is subtracted from 25". This can be written as:

25 - 3x

Next, we are told that "the difference is 28". In mathematical terms, this means that the expression we just wrote is equal to 28:

25 - 3x = 28

To find the value of "x", we need to isolate it on one side of the equation. Let's do that:

Subtract 25 from both sides:

-3x = 28 - 25

Simplifying the right side:

-3x = 3

Divide both sides by -3 to solve for "x":

x = 3 / -3

Simplifying the right side:

x = -1

Therefore, the certain number is -1.