
You’ve applied for a specific job in your field of study. The Human Resources Department arranges an
interview and tells you to bring with you a polished piece of writing for them to evaluate your writing
skills. The paragraph must describe one particular experience you’ve had that inspired you or guided
you to choose the type of position for which you applied.
Your audience is your potential employer and your purpose is to show you have thought carefully
about what and/or who has motivated you toward this career choice and why. In addition, you want
to convey your enthusiasm for this position as it relates to your inspiring experience. Take time to
think about what your audience wants to know and strive to reach a balance between informal and
formal business writing.
1. Prewrite about your field of study and create a specific job for which you might want to apply
at a particular business or organization in your area. Outline what that position would look like.
Brainstorm details, names, titles, and facts to provide depth to your paragraph and enable you
to write a polished paragraph.

Do you have specific questions about your assignment?

Be sure to post what you write up, and someone here will be happy to check it over for you.


Field of study: Marketing

Specific job: Marketing Coordinator at XYZ Company


1. Introduction
- Briefly introduce the field of study, marketing.
- Mention the specific job I want to apply for, which is Marketing Coordinator at XYZ Company.

2. Inspiring experience
- Describe the experience that inspired me to choose a career in marketing.
- Provide details about the experience and how it influenced my career choice.

3. Connect the experience to the job
- Explain how the inspiring experience aligns with the responsibilities and requirements of the Marketing Coordinator position.
- Highlight the skills and knowledge gained from the experience that make me a suitable candidate for the job.

4. Convey enthusiasm
- Express my enthusiasm for the position and the opportunity to contribute to XYZ Company.
- State why I am excited to apply my skills and passion in the field of marketing for this specific job.

5. Conclusion
- Summarize the main points discussed in the paragraph.
- End on a positive note, expressing my eagerness to discuss my qualifications further in the interview.

Brainstorm details, names, titles, and facts:

- Inspiring experience: Internship at a digital marketing agency
- Company: XYZ Company
- Job title: Marketing Coordinator
- Key responsibilities: Assisting with marketing campaigns, managing social media accounts, coordinating events, analyzing market data, collaborating with cross-functional teams
- Relevant skills/knowledge gained from the internship: Digital marketing strategies, social media management, campaign analysis, event planning, team collaboration
- Enthusiasm for the position: Opportunity to apply my passion for marketing, contribute to XYZ Company's growth, work in a dynamic and innovative environment

To begin the process of writing a polished paragraph for the job interview, you first need to brainstorm and outline the specific job you want to apply for. This will help you gather details, names, titles, and facts that will add depth to your paragraph. Here's how you can approach this prewriting step:

1. Identify your field of study: Start by considering your area of expertise or the field you have studied. For example, if you have studied marketing, your field of study would be business and marketing.

2. Research potential businesses or organizations: Look for businesses or organizations in your area that align with your field of study. Consider the type of work they do and the positions they offer related to your field. For example, if you are interested in marketing, you could research marketing agencies, digital marketing companies, or marketing departments of larger organizations.

3. Define the specific job you want to apply for: Once you have identified a business or organization, think about the specific position you want to apply for. Consider the job title, responsibilities, and qualifications required for that position. For example, if you are applying to a digital marketing agency, you might want to apply for a position such as Digital Marketing Specialist or Social Media Manager.

4. Outline the job description: Create an outline of what the position would look like. This should include key responsibilities, required skills, and any other relevant details. This will help you structure your paragraph and provide specific information about the job you are applying for.

5. Brainstorm details, names, and facts: Now that you have a clear idea of the job you want to apply for, brainstorm specific details, names, and facts that will add depth to your paragraph. Think about any previous experiences, projects, or achievements that relate to the position and can serve as inspiration for choosing this career path. Consider the impact these experiences had on your career choice and the skills you developed as a result.

By following these steps and taking the time to brainstorm and outline your specific job, you will be able to create a polished paragraph that effectively communicates your inspiration, enthusiasm, and suitability for the position you are applying for.