Larry leaves home at 3:02 and runs at a constant speed to the lamppost. He reaches the lamppost at 3:18, immediately turns, and runs to the tree. Larry arrives at the tree at 3:26. What is Larry's average velocity during his trip from the lamppost to the tree?

see other post.

avg velocity= total distance/total time

To calculate Larry's average velocity during his trip from the lamppost to the tree, we need to know the displacement (change in position) and the time it took for him to travel that distance.

Let's break down the information provided:

1. Larry leaves home at 3:02 and reaches the lamppost at 3:18. The time difference between these two events is 16 minutes, or 16/60 = 0.27 hours.

2. Larry turns at the lamppost and runs to the tree. He arrives at the tree at 3:26, which means he took 8 minutes, or 8/60 = 0.13 hours, to reach the tree.

Now, let's determine the displacement (change in position):

We don't have specific distance values for the lamppost or the tree, but since Larry's speed is constant, we can assume that the distance covered during each leg of the trip is proportional to the time it took.

Therefore, since Larry took 16 minutes to reach the lamppost and 8 minutes to reach the tree, we can assume that he covered twice the distance from the lamppost to the tree compared to the distance from his home to the lamppost.

Now, let's calculate Larry's average velocity:

Average velocity can be obtained by dividing the displacement by the total time taken.

Total time taken = time taken from home to the lamppost + time taken from the lamppost to the tree
= 0.27 hours + 0.13 hours
= 0.4 hours

Since Larry covered twice the distance from the lamppost to the tree than from his home to the lamppost, let's assume the distance from home to lamppost is "d." Therefore, the distance from lamppost to tree is 2d.

Displacement = Distance lamppost to tree = 2d - d = d

Average velocity = Displacement / Total time taken
= d / 0.4

Therefore, Larry's average velocity during his trip from the lamppost to the tree is d/0.4.