The result of 1.51751x10^4 divided by 6.451x10^3 to 2 significant figures is?

I think it would be beneficial if you did this yourself. I will check your answer.

ok i got an answer of 2352363.975

so would it be 2.35 x 10 ^6

That is not two significant figure, and it is to the wrong power.


No. Put this into the google search window:

1.51751E4 / 6.451E2

To divide numbers in scientific notation and express the result to the desired number of significant figures, follow these steps:

Step 1: Divide the two numbers ignoring the exponents.
1.51751 / 6.451 ≈ 0.235063

Step 2: Determine the number of significant figures in the result.
Since the original numbers were given to 2 significant figures, the result should also be expressed to 2 significant figures.

Step 3: Adjust the result to the desired number of significant figures.
In this case, we need to round the result to 2 significant figures, so the final answer is 0.24.

Therefore, the result of 1.51751x10^4 divided by 6.451x10^3 to 2 significant figures is approximately 0.24.