Multiplying Polynomials - please assist I have the following answer - but am sure It is wrong -

(3c^2d-d^3+1)8cd^2 =

The 1st term of your answer is incorrect.

It should be 24c^3d^3.

To multiply polynomials, you need to apply the distributive property and combine like terms. Let's break down the steps to correctly solve the expression:

First, distribute the number 8 to each term inside the parentheses:
8 * 3c^2d = 24c^2d
8 * (-d^3) = -8d^3
8 * 1 = 8

Now, apply the distributive property again, this time to the terms outside the parentheses:
24c^2d * cd^2 = 24c^3d^3 (when multiplying variables, add the exponents)
-8d^3 * cd^2 = -8c*d^5 (add the exponents again)

Combining the terms gives us:
24c^2d^2 - 8cd^5 + 8cd^2

Therefore, your original answer of (24c^2d^2 - 8cd^5 + 8cd^2) is correct. Well done!