Your team has been hired by ABC company’s senior management to conduct a research project. The company has 40 employees and has been in business for 25 years. The company offers sales & service on all sizes of new Xerox copiers. The company has been faced with decreasing sales growth the past 2 years. This is a major source of concern for the organization.

Here is what your team is expected to deliver to the company president:

1. Broad Problem Area
2. Describe how your team will conduct preliminary data collection
3. State your problem definition ( remember the 3 S’s)
4. Draw your theoretical framework [dependent & independent variable(s)]
5. State your testable hypothesis

All reports are to be in compliance with APA guidelines.

1. Broad Problem Area:

The broad problem area is the decreasing sales growth of ABC company over the past 2 years. This is a major concern for the organization and needs to be addressed.

2. Preliminary Data Collection:
To conduct preliminary data collection, your team can employ various methods:
- Reviewing internal sales records: Study the sales data from the past 2 years to identify any patterns or trends.
- Conducting employee interviews: Interview the sales and service employees to gather their perspectives on the reasons behind the decreasing sales growth.
- Analyzing customer feedback: Collect and analyze feedback from existing customers to understand their satisfaction levels and identify any issues or concerns.
- Comparing market trends: Research the overall market trends and competition to determine if the decline in sales is industry-wide or specific to ABC company.

3. Problem Definition (the 3 S's):
- Situation: ABC Company has experienced a decline in sales growth over the past 2 years.
- Symptoms: Decreasing revenue, customer complaints, and decreasing market share.
- Sources: Internal sales data, employee interviews, customer feedback, and market analysis.

4. Theoretical Framework:
Dependent Variable: Sales Growth
Independent Variables:
- Market Conditions: Analyze macroeconomic factors, industry trends, and competitive landscape, as they might influence sales growth.
- Customer Satisfaction: Measure customer satisfaction levels and identify any correlations with sales growth.

5. Testable Hypothesis:
Hypothesis 1: If customer satisfaction levels increase, then sales growth will improve.
Hypothesis 2: If market conditions become more favorable, then sales growth will increase.

It is important to note that these hypotheses are initial assumptions and need to be tested using proper research methods.

All reports delivered to the company president should follow the APA guidelines for formatting, referencing, and citations.